About Me

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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” -Psalm 23:1-3 Listen to chapter

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Household Notebook

Actually I call mine "Mom's Home Journal".  I have gotten most of it done.  I still have a few pages to type up or finishing filling out, but most of it's done.  Why do I need this, you may be asking me?

Simple.  This notebook helps me to stay organized and on time.  I have lots of information in this notebook that helps my on a day-to-day basis.  I have seen this all over the internet on people's blogs or other web pages.  If you would like any specific sheets, I have the links for them all, but I don't think that my followers need them because I believe they have their own or they are my friend on facebook.  lol

First we start with the front cover.  I used to have a graphic on the front cover that I designed, but this time I went with one that I got for free that matched a lot of the pages I used for the inside of my notebook for Spring. 
Next is my pocket that I use for my hand lotion, pencils, pens, erasers, stamps and anything small that I want to keep in my journal notebook.

After that I have pages in front that I don't want to forget about during the week.  If I keep seeing them, I will remember them.  Then I have a blue pocket folder to hold papers in that I need to do something with immediately.  Then I have blank paper, and  my blank paper is printed out to match the Spring theme.
Next I have my Year at a Glance for 2010 and pages with 3 months at a time on them for planning for the months April-December and these all are from my Spring theme kit.  Then I printed out the matching monthly calendars to have each month easy and accessible.  All of these pages are put inside clear page protectors.

My To-Do section is next.  I have a To-Do List sheet first.  Then the next page has Business, Family and Financial on it.  Then Homemaking, HomeSchooling, Ministry.  Then Personal all on one day.  The next 3 to-do pages are split up for each day with another section for next week's planning.  I have a page for Special Dates, Details & Notes to Remember along with a page of things To Buy for our house.

Next I have a section for each day of the week.  This is one part that I haven't finished filling out yet.

Then a section for Family.  So far the only thing that I have in here is the Hidden Dairy Cheat Sheet that I needed when we were making Kyle's diet low on dairy.

Financial I haven't filled out yet.

Homemaking is the next section.  I have a page for Home Blessings, a few pages of Grocery Lists that can be cut in half, my pantry inventory, my freezer inventory (not filled out yet but on my to-do list!), a grocery master list and several recipes for making my own soaps and detergents.

My HomeSchool section is next.  I have my weekly plan written out on My Weekly Glance page.  Then all of the various lesson plans, papers, schedules, journal calendars, lapbook directions and whatever I else I need to keep for school go in here.

Ministry is next.  My prayer list and my Devotion for the Unorganized journal is in here.

Meals & Recipes includes my meal plans, a clear protector sheet with take-out menus and some of my recipes, including a section for Recipes To Try.

My Personal section has my own notes and such for myself that I want or need to keep.
And last but not least is my Telephone & Address Section.
Oh really, last is 3 folders.  One for family info and the other 2 are still empty. 

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