About Me

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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 1:5-8 Listen to chapter

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Books I read in 2009

1. A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George (2008-1/2/09)
2. The Jesus Chronicles: Mark's Story by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins (12/27/08-1/5/09)
3. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson (1/5/09-1/10/09)
4. The Fanatic by The Voice of Martyrs (1/8/09-1-10-09)
5. A Woman's Place by Lynn Austin (1/10/09-1/23/09)
6. Tacoma Confidential by Paul LaRosa (1/23/09-1/30/09)
7. Patience: God's Own Name by Patience Turtoe-Sanders (2/21/09-2/28/09)
8. Christ the Lord: Our of Egypt by Anne Rice (3/21/09-3/22/09)
9. A Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne adapted version by Howard J. Schwach (4/3/09)
10. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (1/3/09-4/5/09)
11. Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman (4/5/09-4/6/09)
12. Discover Your God Given Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune (1/30/09-2/10/09)
13. Perfect by Judith McNaught (4/4/09-5/24/09)
14. Ben Hur by Lew Wallace adapted version by Marion Leighton (5/24/09-5/26/09)
15. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (5/26/09-6/2/09)
16. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (6/2/09-6/3/09)
17. The Time Machine by H. G. Wells adapted version by Shirley Bogart (6/4/09-6/5/09)
18. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain adapted version by Shirley Bogart (6/5/09)
19. Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry (6/6/90)
20. The Husband by Dean Koontz (6/7/09-6/24/09)
21. The Queen of Clean: A Clean for All Seasons by Linda Cobb (1/2/09-6/10/09)
22. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger (6/27/09-7/12/09)
23. Stormy Misty's Foal by Marguerite Henry (7/13/09)
24. Evidence of Mercy by Terri Blackstock (7/14/09-7/23/09)
25. A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock (8/4/09-8/6/09)
26. A World of Art 5th Edition by Henry M. Sayre (8/6/09-8/20-09)
27. The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (8/22/09-9/9/09)
28. A Series of Unfortunate Events The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket (9/10/09)
29. A Wife After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George (8/09-9/12/09)
30. The Bible cure by Reginald Cherry, M.D. (12/28/09-12/29/09)
31. A Series of Unfortunate Events The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket (9/14/09)
32. The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian (9/14/09-9-17-09)
33. Cesar's Way by Cesar Millan (9/25/09-9/30/09)
34. If Your Dog Could Talk by Bruce Fogle (10/2/09)
35. The Dog's Mind by Bruce Fogle (10/2/09-10/8/09)
36. What Your First Grade Needs to Know edited by E. D. Hirsch, Jr. (10/1/09-10/3/09)
37. The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren (10/8/09-10/19/09)
38. Be The Pack Leader by Cesar Millan (10/19/09-11/4/09)
39. A History of the Wife by Marilyn Yalom (11/5/09-11/18/09)
40. Glenn Beck's Common Sense by Glenn Beck (11/22/09-12/4/09)
41. Thomas Paine's Common Sense by Thomas Paine (12/4/09-12/5/09)
42. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens adapted by Marion Leighton (12/7/09)
43. Arguing with Idiots by Glenn Beck (12/7/09-12/25/09)
44. A Series of Unfortunate Events The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket (12/25/09-12/26/09)
45. A Heart of Purest Gold Compiled by Ellyn Sanna (12/25/09-12/26/09)
46. A Series of Unfortunate Events The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket (12/26/09-12/27/09)
47. The Bible cure by Reginald Cherry, M.D. (12/28/09-12/29/09)

Friday Follow-April 23, 2010

Welcome to the April 23 Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here’s how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
  • Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.
  • Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
  • Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
  • Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you’d like.
  • Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from Friday Follow.
  • Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.
This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.
As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!
Friday Follower of the Week!
Congratulations to Mommy Living the Life of Riley  of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week’s Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

How Can You Know The Bible Is True?

"The Bible was clearly written either by God, good men, or bad men.  Bad men could not have written it, for the Bible is a good book, and fresh waters do not come from a salt fountain; bad men would not have written it, for the Bible strongly condemns sin and sinners, and wicked men would not condemn themselves to hell.  Good men could not have written it, and then deliberately said God wrote it: they would no longer be good men; good men would not have written it for the definite purpose of deception, for good men do not decieve.  Hence, the only one left who could have written it is God."
--Charles Wesley--

Taken from A Firm Foundation by Dr. David H. Peterson

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where are You planning on spending eternity?

Do you know where you will be going when you die?  Do you know how to get to Heaven?  Are you sure YOU are going to Heaven?  What does it mean to be saved and how do you know if you are?

There is one way and only way to get to Heaven.  His name is JesusHe died on the cross to save you from your sins.  You are a sinner.  You were born a sinner and you will always be a sinner.  

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23

Once you are ready to admit your sin and that you are a sinner, the next step is praying to the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting him as your Savior.  See here is the thing...God loves us all, we are His creations.  Jesus is God, and He loves us with an everlasting love.  Because of His overflowing love for us He wants us to spend eternity in Heaven with him.  In order for us to do that, we must accept that Jesus loves us, died for us and bore our sins, poured out his blood so that we can have the security of being with him in Heaven forever and ever.  If you would like the assurance of being forever with our Lord in Heaven, repeat this prayer.  (I copied this prayer from Inside The Revolution by Joel C. Rosenberg).

"Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for haing a wonderful plan and purpose for my life.  I need You today--I know i need You to forgive me for all of my sins.  Thank You for dying on the corss to pay the penalty of my sins.  Thank You for rising again from the dead to prove that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life and the only way to get to heaven.  Jesus, I confess right now with my mouth that You are the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.  And I velieve in my heart that God raised You from the dead.  And now I open the door of my heart and my life right now.  I receive You as my Savior and Lord.  Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.  Please change my life.  Please fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Please take control of my life and make me the kind of person that You want me to be, so that I can serve You and please You forever.  Thank You so much.  I love You, and I want to follow You."
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

After saying this prayer, you are forever a child of God.  You WILL BE in the House of the Lord, in Heaven with him for eternity.  God does not take back his word and you will go to Heaven.  You have to mean that prayer though, you can't just say it.  You must agree with that prayer with every fiber of your being and every beat of your heart.  You must agree and believe that Jesus died, on the cross, for YOU!

After you become a Christian, please know that your good works will not get you into Heaven.  God wants you to do good, because he desires that.  But doing good will not ensure your place in Heaven.  Jesus sacrifice and your acceptance of it does.

If you have more questions you can ask me.  There is a great book that explains all of the details of becoming a Christian and laying down the foundation of being a Christian.  I am currently reading this book and I am enjoying it.  Great book for new Christians and growing Christians and even mature Christians.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chelan Camping Trip

What a fantastic and relaxing weekend we had.  It was great and the view that we had was so majestic that you couldn't help but praise God all weekend long!

The drive there was not bad.  The kids fared well.  Kyle didn't start to whine until the last half hour.  I think it was around a 4 hour drive, so that isn't bad.  

I knew that the last 20 minutes of the drive would be on a gravel/dirt road with lots of switchbacks to climb the hill.  "We're on the other side of that hill," is what I was told.  I looked up the hill, and oh my......

Before I go any further, let me tell you that I don't care for heights too much, or small untended roads that are close to the edge.  We started up the hill and I got extremely nervous.  But I didn't want the kids to do that, so I kept my mouth shut.  Boy were we climbing though.  I was kinda apprehensive to see what was on the other side and where we'd be driving.

When we got up to the top, finally, it was beautiful.  You could see forever.  But I was still nervous.  We looked over and could see trailers and a big rock, where we had been told that we were staying, and I thought, "Oh my goodness, is there any flat ground?  It looks like we are going to roll right off that hill!"  

As we came around the corner and up more of a hill, we could see 5 doe staring at us on the ridge of the hill.  It was right up from the trailers where we were going to be staying.  That was quite a welcome!

Then we took a sharp right and went down a steep hill the the trailers.

The cabin that you can see, and all of the junk, belongs to some other guy who built that on their property and wasn't supposed to.  It definitely took away from the beauty of the place.  The trailer that you can see in front of the rock is where Jimmy and Jessica stayed.  You can't see our trailer yet.  We still have another steep hill to drive down.  When we got to the bottom there was a camper and a trailer.  We could stay in either.  We chose the trailer because it was larger.  Some guy who had lived there or something before had shot up I don't know how many bottles of glass and there was glass scattered all over the ground down below.  ALL OVER.  So I spent the whole weekend yelling at the kids to stop running down there and not to sit down and play in the dirt down there.  I have no idea where the nearest hospital was and didn't feel like chancing any glass cuts.  That was definitely one drawback.  Along with the fear of rattlesnakes.  They are definitely there.  Jimmy and Jessica tried to reassure us that they are still hibernating, but we weren't taking any chances.  So the kids had to stay in the dirt only.  No brush walking or rock exploring.

From our campsite, you could see Lake Chelan, miles of the Columbia River, an airport, a dam and lots of mountains and snow.  I took a panoramic picture of the view.  I didn't get it lined up quite right, as you can tell on the road by the big rock, but you get the idea. 

That night we had a small fire down by our campsite and the kids roasted marshmallows.  

The next day the guys and Jessica wanted to go fishing.  So we headed out for a small drive to fish by Chief Joseph Dam.  We made the kids wear their life jackets anytime we were near water so if they happen to fall in, we could get them easier and they would not drown.  The water dropped off pretty quickly there.  
The first place we stopped to fish, their lines were getting caught and no bites.  Actually, the same thing happened at the 2nd place also.  No fish were caught for dinner.  But I got lots of pictures.

Jimmy had bought kites for the kids because it gets so windy up there.  So he had set up 2 of the kites on fishing poles, which the kids loved.  This was the first kite-flying experience for my kids.

I had brought Bible lessons for the kids to do all weekend.  Seana and David loved that!  They want to start going to church with us. The first lesson they learned about Joseph and his coat of many colors.
 That night was a mellow night.  Just hanging out.  Relaxing.  This first picture is looking up the giant rock at night.

The next day we spent the day at camp.  Well, us girls and kids did.  The guys ran around all day doing whatever guys do.  I know guns, targets and running into town for supplies were involved.  I taught the kids another Bible lesson about Joseph being sold as a slave by his brothers.  

The kids had a parade for me also.  Kyle was the Seafair Pirates.  If you don't know what they are, check them out here.  They are in a lot of our parades around here and they really interact with the crowd.  They are so funny.  They even have a pirate ship float that shoots a canon.  It's so loud, but they have it every time!  Some of the pirates drag their swords on the ground and that is what you see Kyle doing with his red light saber.  (ps My Great-uncle was a Seafair Pirate)

Then came the morning that we had to pack up and leave.  Don't you hate that feeling of I-want-to-stay-here-but-I-want-to-go-home?  I do.  I wanted to come home, sleep in my bed (couch) and see my kitty.  But I loved the relaxation there.  And just hanging out.  It is so much easier to clean a trailer!  I picked it up every morning!  lol
So while the adults were packing up that last morning, I had Seana read the last Bible story to the kids.  She read the story about Joesph going to prison.  Then we all loaded up and headed home.

This rock here was a great outlook point.  And we stood on it quite a bit just to look out and down.  It made me really dizzy though to stand here and look off the rock.  Actually, I was dizzy a lot this weekend, lol.  Heights and me just don't go well together.  I am glad that nobody rolled of the hill.  It was flatter than what I expected when we were actually at the trailer.  

On the way home Kyle was eating Doritos and decided to share with Tigger.  You can't tell from the picture of Tigger very well that his mouth and tummy is orange from eating them.  But you can definitely see Kyle's mouth!  I should have gotten a picture of his hands also!  And I snapped a shot of each family member and my seat area.  I was set up for the ride home.  I had my creamer, coffee, coffee mug and book.  lol  I decided to throw in a page from the book that I am reading also.  It's called Inside The Revolution by Joel C. Rosenberg.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Saturday, while I was in town, I stopped at Safeway for gas.  Now mind you, for all of my new readers, I am going through an accident case from 4 years ago.  I was hit in my mini-van, both of my kids in the car along with my mom and a friend.  My mom's wrist was broken, I ended up with whiplash, my friend also had whiplash, the seatbelt that Amanda was in at that time (5-point harness) had hit her neck.  Kyle was not yet a year so we really don't know if he was hurt, he was still in his backwards carseat.
My injury gave me migraines and degenerative bone disease.  I got a lawyer and didn't start to settle my case until I knew that I was not going to get better and might as well close it.  So I started that and it's taken a year or so to finish it all.  We went in for negotiations but they don't really want to negotiate with us.  So we are taking them to court.  They agree their client caused the accident, they agree that I am in as much pain as I am (I had to be checked by their dr. also) but they don't agree it's caused by the accident.  So stupid.  We are scheduled for court June 7 of this year. 
Anyhow, the reason the story pertains is because I am extremely paranoid to drive now and have been since the accident.  I am always cautious and slow.  ALWAYS.  I was in the Safeway parking lot and some lady just backed right out of her stall and backed into me.  Right into Kyle's sliding door.  That's where he sits.  I saw her but it was too late.  I turned really fast to make sure Kyle was not going to be hurt and that of course, hurt my neck.  We rocked pretty good.  
I pulled around and we both got out and looked at the door.  There is a dent for sure.  It's caved in.  Now my door is catching when we open it.  She asked me twice, "Are you sure that wasn't there?"  Yea lady, I'm sure, you just hit me.  Seriously??  The nerve.
So now here I go...back to the chiropractor go me and Kyle on Wednesday.  Make sure nothing is hurt.  Kyle did tell me that he got hurt on the inside of his leg, where the seatbelt pulled on him.  I hate those 5-point harness.  
My lawyer's office actually called this morning, I was going to call them.  I let them know.  
I also called the insurance of the other lady.  I had to put the claim in.  I want to sell this van soon.  Plus now the door is grinding.  Greg is taking it in tomorrow for an estimate.  Then we will know what to tell them.  
I will be posting pictures soon.  I need to take a few more.  I will also be posting pictures of the Daffodil Parade on Saturday.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Excuse Me While I Whine...

Yesterday we lost a very dear member of our family.  My cat, Hemi.  I had a very dear friend help me get him to the vet.  By the time I had gotten there, he was worse.  The vet said he didn't have another 30 minutes to live.  I had to put him to sleep.  It was an extremely hard decision to make.  
Standing in that office, all by myself, thinking of the other loved ones at home who are expecting him to come back home with me.
Standing in that office while the vet tells me there isn't much time left.
Standing in that office, praying, Lord Why?
Standing in that office knowing that I am going to have to tell him goodbye.
So I did.  I kissed him, told him that I loved him and I was so sorry.  Then I walked out.  A nice lady in the waiting room held me while I cried.  
Now the hard part, I have to drive home.  By myself.  Knowing the news that I have to give everyone at home.


That drive home....my stomach twisted and turned.  Why do I have to do this Lord?  We're not ready to deal with this.

He tells me that it's not my choice.  He is in control.

Just before I turned into our road that leads to our driveway.  I said another prayer, "Lord I need strength right now to tell everyone.  Please be with us all and help them to be able to take the news."

I walked in the door and all eyes turned to me...

Greg asks,"Where's Hemi?"

I shook my head at him.  Tears filling my eyes.  Amanda turned to me.

"Where is Hemi, Mom?"

"He's not going to be coming home."

Now all the eyes that were on me are now wide.

"What?  You mean.....never?"  That last word....almost a whisper.

"Yes that's what I mean."

Now everyone is crying.  I hold the kids and Greg goes into the other room.  

Later, when I talked with Greg about the whole situation, he told me that they had all gathered around to pray.  Greg led the kids in a prayer and had them repeat after him.  They prayed that whatever happens is in God's hands and they would love Him no matter what.  When he said "Amen." he looked up, and I was in the driveway.  
The Lord definitely had stepped in there!  I was praying for help and strength, and Greg was praying for them.  At the same time!
So now I am so puffy-eyed this morning that I feel like I am even more squinty-eyed than usual.  I still need to cry.  I am not done mourning.  But I can't do it all the time with the kids here.  I have to show them that we must keep going.  There is still life to live.

And as Greg told us all yesterday...."Be thankful it wasn't one of us that it happened to."

I still don't understand why God wants us to deal with this now.  I probably never will.  But He thinks that we can, so we will.  It may be hard.  It will be hard.

I am still hearing noises that make me think of Messalina here.  How long is it going to be before I stop hearing Hemi?  I have heard him a few times this morning already.  And the kids will see Feisty far off and think it's Hemi and say, "There's Hemi!"  It's so sad.  Amanda said that this morning and Kyle says "Remember Amanda, Hemi isn't coming home."

I wish that I could just sit down and cry.  I was very close to that cat.  And I feel a lot of guilt.  Like I should have done something sooner.....I don't know.  I know that it wasn't my fault.  But those are the thoughts that go through your head.

There is a parade in town tonight and I told the kids that we could go.  I might have to put some make up on just to cover up my blotchy skin and puffy eyes.  And maybe that will help me to feel better while we are out.  I don't want to go out.  I want to stay here, bundle up, curl up and cry.  

That can't be healthy......

So I won't do it.  I will get up and move on.  

Friday, April 9, 2010

Not so good

The day before yesterday my cat started to breathe different.   He is struggling to take a breath.  I don't know what to do for him.  I don't have any more money to take him into the vet.  Last night I was up until about 1:30am watching him breathe and just waiting to see what would happen.  I really didn't think that he was going to make it through the night.  But this morning I can hear him wheezing in his sleep.  He doesn't breath as hard when he is asleep either, so I am not letting anyone bother him.
It's just not fair for him to come home after a week, heal his leg and start to get to much better, then this happens.  Amanda is going to be so heartbroken.  Why does it have to be like this?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Follow Friday April 9

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
We're very excited to announce this week's Friday Follow Sponsor! Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Check out our Friday Follow Sponsor!

Buttons and Blogs is your source for a blogger or word press makeover! Whether you need a button or a complete redesign, Buttons and Blogs will give you a one of a kind design with you in mind. Business logos are also available.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

Friday Follower of the Week

Congratulations to Jill's Real Life this week's Friday Follower of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week's Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!

MckLinky Blog Hop



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