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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blogging w/Sick Kids

Bubba woke up this morning w/a small fever still.  Shortly after he was awake and took a drink of something, he puked it up all over my bed/couch.  So I changed the sheets and cleaned him and everything up and he laid back down.  I laid down w/him and he went to sleep.  After he slept for a few hours he felt better.  He has still been a little warm all day, but no more puking.  That is good!
Now Stinky is complaining that her throat hurts, which is how Bubba's started on Friday night.  She usually fares better than Bubba when she is sick so hopefully it will be faster w/her.  Right now they are both drinking chicken broth. 
I have felt achy and tired all day.  I have taken two naps.  I hate to take even one nap, but I just couldn't help it!  Everytime I laid down I wanted to read but I couldn't.  I just fell asleep.  I want to finish this book!  It's a short book and it's taking me forever to get through.
I think I figured out why though.  This book has a study guide included at the end of each chapter.  Well I hate to skip over it, so I try to do it, but it just makes me dread picking up the book.  So instead of torturing myself, I'll just read it like I want and skip over the study guides.  I am only on chapter 4 of 12!  I'm on page 62 out of 204.  *sigh*  It's a great book though!  I just need to sit down and read it.
It is A Busy Woman's Guide to Prayer by Cheri Fuller.  I really enjoy it and find it informational.  I just have to skip the study guides.
I got all of my plans done for school this week.  We are finishing up Egypt and moving on to the Sumerians and the Jewish people.  We're still reading about the Israelites and Moses in our Bible lessons and still reading Charlotte's Web for our read aloud.  Bubba and I are really going to dive into the alphabet this week.
I'm going to cut this short because I am going to read and try to get rid of this awful heart burn that I've got going on.

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