About Me

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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where Oh Where Has the Blog Author Gone?

I know....bad me.  I've been missing pretty much for a month.  I messed up on my NaBloPoMo for October and decided to just give myself a break from the worry of posting.  Maybe that was a mistake. But, here I am now!  That counts for something, right?
I am busy getting the house all picked up for the holidays.  It's been a slow and painstaking job, but I'm getting it done.  Now the hardest part is keeping it picked up!  That seems to be my downfall.  I do well on one room, while another gets messy.  I must admit, I am not perfect.
At the end of October I went to the AWANA conference and fully enjoyed myself.  It was a great learning experience and send us home with many ideas to implement in our group.  One fun activity that I wanted to start was working through the workbook for adults that go along with the workbook for kids.  The first book makes me memorize the same amount of verses as Kindergarten Sparkies do.  Then I can move into the book that matches the 1st graders and then the 2nd graders.  I am making this more fun for the kids by letting them sign my book for me when I say my verses. 

We are moving right along with school this year and it is so nice!  So far, this is the best school year that we've had.  It's been smooth and for the most part they've enjoyed everything that we've learned.  I am looking forward to having a break though.  In 2 weeks we will then have a week break, during the week of Thanksgiving.  I know that seems short, well at least it does to me, but we are only doing school for one week in December.  We will have a break for the first week because I may be going to court, and then we will have a Winter Break. 
We haven't had the chance to do lapbooks this year.  I haven't really been able to find one that I liked for the topics that we have been learning.  Right now we are reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume together as a read aloud and the kids love this story.  Bubba gets so happy to read it.  And Stinky has finished 4 chapter books these past few weeks, one of the Charlotte's Web that is a reading level 4.  She is definitely my daughter!  I am currently getting ready to start book #53 for this year.  My goal was to read 50 and I have made it.  Obviously.
I have definitely missed blogging.  I am hoping that my time and memory will allow me to blog more often like I was before.  I have many thoughts and ideas that I want to blog about.
One is a subject that is causing me some sadness in an area of my life.  But I want to blog about it so that maybe I can give hope to others that may be in a similar situation.  I still am forming thoughts about this though, so I may not blog about it right away.
With those words.....see ya later gator!

1 comment:

The Man Crew said...

Dani... I know! I haven't been able to get here to blog in just about forever it seems. Each time I get a few minutes, I want to catch up with my fellow bloggers and before I know it, my time is up :) So, no worries about not blogging for a while, it happens to all of us. Looking forward to reading some more of your happenings.


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