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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Friday, August 5, 2011

31 Day Better Myself Challenge Day 3-5 & DirectTV Rant

Day 3

I was hardly home all day long and didn't have the time or energy to do dishes.  Thankfully, there were only a few.

Day 4

I was home part of the day and busy running water and other things so I didn't do the dishes either.  Now there's a nice stack.

Day 5

Today I washed almost all of the dishes to catch up from not doing day 3 and 4.  It will be so much easier to keep up on the dishes when I don't have to go to Orting every day for a few hours to tend to the garage sale.  I think I'll just have my own here at home.

It will be a small garage sale, but oh well.  I need to get rid of some of this stuff, and I might as well try to make money while I'm at it.

Tomorrow is the last day that I will be going to the garage sale.  When I come home tomorrow afternoon, I'll be taking all of my stuff home w/me.  The DirectTV guy is coming over tomorrow to install my dish and DVR.

Speaking of DirectTV, do they even have their act together?

Can you believe this happened to me today?  So when I ordered my DirectTV I am given instructions about using a rebate and I have to use it before the installation guy comes out tomorrow.  So I try and try on the website and I can't get into my account.  After the 2nd day, I try variations in my name to see if she had spelled my name wrong.  Nothing was working.

I decided I had better call today to make sure I get it done.  The first person I talk to tells me there are 2 problems.  One was that my email address wasn't even in my file, so how can I log in with it?  Then after she heard my email addy, she asked if that's how I normally spell my last name.  My last name was spelled wrong! I knew it!  It takes her like 2 times for the computer to actually save my info.  After we got it all figured out, I was locked out of my account because I had tried to log in too many times.

She said she'd transfer me to a department that could help me unplug it.  The guy that answered the phone said he's the wrong department.  "I have no idea why she transferred you to us." he says.  So he transfers me to the right department.  Then he answers the phone.  "What?  It transferred you back to me?"  Hahaha!  He tried it 2 more times to me!  The 4th time it transferred to someone who told me that I had a wrong number.  I asked what department I had gotten and his reply was, ".....Just another one.  You have been transferred wrong and I'm sorry."  It was so weird!

So I hung up and called back.  I talked to another lady, told her the whole story and she tries to transfer me to someone.  I sit on hold forever and finally got tired of it.  I decided to just wait until later.  I did, and it worked.  But what a pain that was!

I'm not too sure I'm gonna be happy w/DirectTV.

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