This week is Friday's Fave Five 100th post! This blog meme is hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story. Susanne writes a very nice blog and I love to read her posts!
Today she has asked that we do a little change for this list and instead of listing our favorite things over the past week, list our favorite things about doing this meme. This is my 3rd time joining in on this one.
1. FFF causes me to look back and think over my past week. It causes me to look hard for something good if it was a bad week. God is always going to send me little things that are good in the midst of the big bad things.
2. FFF has led me to Susanne. I don't know her, but she seems like a very caring and mature Christian woman. I love to read her blog, I love the look of her blog and I just love her writing.
3. FFF has brought a few new followers. I am not going for a large amount, just some people that will actually read my blog and maybe get inspired or helped.
4. I like to be positive. FFF encourages that! It is nice to think about the positive things that have happened to myself over the week. Or the things that made me stop and thank the Lord for whatHhe gave me.
5. FFF has blessed me by reading some other people's blessings. Sometimes when you read others words or what they are thankful for, it can give you a new perspective on something that is going on in your life.
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