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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five! I can't believe it is Friday already. Where on earth did this week go? And Fridays mean it's time to look back over our week and look for those five favorite things, big or small, that were a blessing in our lives. Please join in with a post and then link on up so that we can visit you. If you are new, you can get the details here, and then just jump right in.

Friday sure seemed to get here quick this week.  And Monday being a holiday didn't have any effect on me since hubby nor I work, and the kids homeschool.  It was just another day.  But a fast week.  What was good this week?  What were my blessings?  Let's take a look:

1.  Monday we didn't have school to visit with stepdaughter before she went home and Tuesday I had bad kidney stone pains so there wasn't school that day either.  I am thankful that we got all caught up on Wednesday and Thursday.  I am trying really hard to stick to my schedule this year, especially since I wrote the whole plan.  I really didn't want to get behind already, in my 3rd week!  And I didn't.  Today I only have to do today's lesson plans.  I don't have any catching up to do.

2.  I finally got my PC counter/desk organized.  See, my pc is actually on my kitchen counter.  I didn't want to run cable through my house, or pay extra for the cable guy to do it, so I put my pc where I could plug it into the cable.   So half of my desk, is the kitchen counter.  It gets messy up here with my piles of paper.  Along with being a huge list maker, I am also a pile maker.  :-)  My piles on my desk can get pretty high.  We're talking, Tower of Babel high.  I don't know how my hubby stands it honestly....Anywho, yesterday I got almost all of it picked up and cleaned off.  There are a few things left that I will finish today.  I love it when I have more room to make more piles!

3.  The other day while my kidney was hurting so badly, my hubby was itching to get out of the house, while I was not.  He decided to take the kids to the fish hatchery.  I was thankful for him doing that while I was in so much pain.  I don't like to be in that much pain around the kids.  It scares them too much.  And that was a nice way for them to get their minds off Mommy being hurt.

4.  I am thankful this week for my cousin, Amber.  She works for a urologist and has told me over and over that if I need to get in, her Dr. will get me in.  That is good for me to know!  Now, I'm really hoping that I won't need to go in.  And last night, things were looking feeling to me like it is getting close to coming out.  That will be a blessing indeed!

5.  Today is my little sister's birthday.  It is also the birthday of Pastor's wife, and my adopted Mom, Jackie.  These two ladies are so special to me.  They stand behind me and support me.  My sister is an amazing woman who I have literally watched grow up into such a good person.  And Momma Jackie is my strong hold, when I dare to give in and have one.  I always can come to her with a problem or a question. 

Thank you for reading my favorite things for this week.  I am also blessed by all of my readers!  My purpose with my blog was to get out there and meet other women and offer them words of encouragement or just simply something to read.  I love you all!  Without you, I'd just be writing in my diary!


ellen b said...

Oh girl...I'm so sorry you are suffering with those kidney stones. I hope they pass soon. It's great to have special women in your life. Have a wonderful weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

How great to have a mentor like yours. What a blessing.

Oh, my husband has had bouts with kidney stones. I know how awful they can be. It is nice to know someone in a urologist's office!

Hope you feel better and have a great week ahead.

momma24 said...

I just had gallstones and my gallbladder removed and can't imagine how painful kidney stones are. What a blessing to have a mentor in your life. I hope you feel better soon.

Susanne said...

Love your new layout.

Sorry you had such an awful week with kidney stone pain. Hopefully that will pass through and be done with.

I'm a horrible pile maker too and have to really control my piles.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your "diary" today. While my homeschooliong time is over (my kiddos are 26 &27) it's been encouraging to read your blog.

I loved writing my own lesson plans too. And it sure seems like it doesn't take much to get behind. So glad you are back on track with your schooling and your health.

lol - I'm a list- and pile-maker too.


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