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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

TAG September 14, 2010

Sometimes I just want to be able to sit down and blog without really having to think too hard.  I also wanted to have a TAG blog so I could record my personal growth.  If you're new here, just copy the text below and paste it into your new blog post.  Then after you're done, please post a link back to this blog for me!  Feel free to use the graphic above and link my blog to that also!

1.  Bible verse or chapter that you are reading/studying........I am currently reading through the Bible, which is just how I read it.  I am too obsessive about it to read the book out of order.  Right now I am reading in 2 Chronicles.  This morning I read chapters 19 and 20.  This whole book is on the Kings of Judah starting with Solomon. 
I am also starting to study Galatians right now.  It is a personal study for me, pretty much to help me to understand better what I follow.

2.  Prayers for you or others.......prayers for my kidney stone to hurry up and pass.  I also ask for prayers for my sister Tracy, for the leaders of our country, for my Pastor Dale and our AWANA starts tomorrow so I would love prayers for our program to be successful and to draw more children to Christ.

3.  Church activities.......I didn't have any church activities today.  Tomorrow is our first night of AWANA for the year.  We are all excited to start.  It's an exciting year for a couple of reasons.  This is Bubba's first year as a Sparky.  He gets to join with the big kids now and he can hardly wait!  We also get to move into new classrooms this year and they will be connected, which will be easier for Stinky to enjoy her book time without me because I will be so close still.

4.  My praise to Jesus........I am so thankful first of all for His death upon the cross to pay for my sins.  I want to praise Jesus for my husband, children, church family, sister and my friends.  Without them, I would be lonely.

5.  My thoughts........My thoughts aren't much further right now than the pain my kidney stone is causing.  I need to organize some school stuff tonight for the kids.  I want to drink some coffee, but not the best to drink with my kidney stone. 

6.  Listening to.......my hubby's tv in the other room and the kids talking even though they aren't supposed to be.

7.  Currently reading.......What in the World is Going on? by Dr. David Jeremiah

8.  Photo that I have been blessed with.......This is our Dad Violet Green Swallow that comes and stays in our birdhouse every summer. 

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