About Me

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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

Books I am reading now

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Verse of the Day

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.” -Acts 4:10,12 Listen to chapter

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday Thunks! Sept.9 Edition You've Got Mail

You've Got Mail

Welcome to the September 9th edition of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want.
Write about it on your blog... simple as that.
Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!

Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
Don't forget to go visit the other
participants' blogs.
Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks responses!
That's what all this is about after all, isn't it?
We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....

The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of Meg Ryan's Blouse and the number 33.

1. From whom did you get your last e-mail? From Homeschool Enrichments and it was an ad to buy The Art of Crafting DVD

2. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater? I think it was Astro Boy, we saw it in the theater this summer for free.

3. Have you ever seen a ghost? Not sure.....

4. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?  Yes!

5. What are you most afraid of?  That I will die and leave my kids motherless or one of my kids will die

6. What do you do when you are bored?  Read or write

7. Other than the author of this mess of a meme, whose blog are you most curious to see their answers?  No one that I know does this, so I don't have anyone to choose from

8. Name three thing from your bucket list.  I do not have a bucket list

9. Who was the last person who complimented you on how you looked, that actually was a surprise?  Um, my hubby!  lol  Before family pictures.

10. Do you remember Berleen?  nope

11. What was the last concert that you attended where the band was much better than you imagined?  Casting Crowns would be the one.

12. What’s the next band you’re either planning to see or want to? Mercy Me or Third Day will be the next one we see probably

13. What were the last things do you imagine that Kimber threw off the roof? Who is Kimber??

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