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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

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Verse of the Day

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1 of my 31 Day Better Myself Challenge

Today I washed the dishes.  Once.  I just did it, right now.  This was such a busy day!  I have been running errands, paying bills, stopping at different stores and helped tend to a garage sale at a friends house where they are letting me sell my stuff there also.

So I have washed them once and there is only one load left sitting there.  And not even a full one.  So if hubby doesn't wait too long for dinner and it's not too late after we're done eating, another load may get washed tonight.  I feel good that I got at least one load washed on day one.  :-)

The rest of my life is simply not that easy.  I am overwhelmed and stressed.  But I am hanging in there for one reason.  Mother Teresa pretty much summed it up for me,
I always know God won't give me more than I can handle but there are time I wished he didn't trust me so much.
I know He only gives me problems that He knows I am capable of going through.  But it seems like they are such heavy burdens on my shoulders.

I tell you this mostly for one reason: Please pray for me. To find peace and relaxation through every trial that I am currently going through and am going to be going through for the next few months.  Thank you!

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