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WA, United States
I home school my kids, highly involved in my church, love to read, drink tea, and design tags.

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Final Book Review for A Summer Secret by Kathleen Fuller

A Summer Secret by Kathleen Fuller is a great book for young readers.  This is a mystery that is set in Middlefield Amish country.  The main character of the story is a 13 year old girl named Mary Beth Mullet.  She is the oldest of 4 children, the rest all boys.  She years for freedom from taking care of all her responsibilities and privacy from her brothers. 

I really like that the book was Christian based, but as a Christian parent, could actually wish for stronger points to be made about the love of God.  It was not the theme through the book.  I would like to see Christian books for young readers that focus on God, not just a story line. 

I did like that the book seemed to be written true to the Middlefield Amish nature and from what I read and researched myself afterwards portrayed Amish life to be a realistic novel.  I am not an expert on the Amish, so I can not say that for sure.  The book was written well enough and I enjoyed the story enough that I want to read the second book to this mystery series.  This will also be a book that I leave on my homeschooling shelf for my children to read when they are older. 

The views in this book review are my own and not influenced by anybody or anything.  I did receive this book for free from BookSneeze.com and was provided by Thomas Nelson books but I am not obligated to review this book in any positive or negative light, only my own opinion.  I am not being compensated for my book review at all besides being able to keep this book.

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